Tuesday’s show opened with Chanel ambassador and showjumper, Charlotte Casiraghi, the elder daughter of Princess Caroline of Monaco and the granddaughter of Grace Kelly cantering down the catwalk on her male thoroughbred Cousco, while resplendent in a Chanel riding jacket in black tweed and sequins. Chanel’s Paris Fashion Week shows are legendary for their elaborate set pieces, which in the…
Over the last two years, we’ve seen curve women such as Ashley Graham, Precious Lee and Alva Claire walk for luxury labels including Versace, Fendi and Michael Kors. But, where are the curve men? Only seven out of 77 brands across Autumn/Winter 2022 menswear season featured plus-size men’s models, according to our analysis of collections featured on Vogue Runway. None…
Mugler’s daring collections came to define 1980s power dressing, while he later dressed Beyoncé and Lady Gaga French designer Manfred Thierry Mugler, known for the powerful-shouldered, cinch-waisted silhouettes that reigned over fashion in the 1980s, died on Sunday at the age of 73 of “natural causes”, according to his agent. A former ballet dancer, Mugler’s bold collections – presented at…
The conversation around sustainability needs to expand beyond the fibres and fabrics that make up garments, to the very structure of the companies which cultivate, create and produce fashion. Andel, a new responsible brand that’s just released its debut collection, is instigating that discussion by proposing a cooperative business structure. Founded by Peter Dupont (model/entrepreneur), Oscar Miles (designer), and Weronika…
Fresh from success at The Fashion Awards, the Chloe designer is among four women determined to put the environment central to their work. When it comes to reducing fashion’s impact on the environment, we know we need change – and quickly. There’s arguably no one in the industry who epitomises that more than Gabriela Hearst, who has won the inaugural…